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Personal Branding: Khushi Mali

InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Procreate
#Branding #LogoDesign #MotionDesign


What I love about graphic design is how it gives you the ability and power to tell a story in such a unique and subtle way. All my designs have a story to them, no matter how big or small, they each have their special place within me that helped me grow as a designer. 

My new brand does precisely that, it tells my childhood story. Not to pull that “back in my day” BUT!! Back in my day, everyone had to write in cursive, at least in my school. And I guess, that part of me, the cool and pretty aesthetic cursive writing did shape me into what I am today, whether it be my style or my passions. It might be a stretch to give it all the credit of course, but the more I think about it, the more it starts to sound like my own little designer origin story. 

Most kids never really stuck to it, as we grew older, everyone had way more to write and way less time, and as times changed, it seemed to be outdated. Even I myself was forced by my teachers to write in the normal “script”, and within my culture and country back then, I guess it was really the beginning of the society beginning to suppress my creativity. I was very often made clear there was no future within the creative field, which really made me lose myself for a long time, even after moving to Australia. Throughout all those times, however, I always found my way back to cursive, it seemed to be the only “aesthetic” I really had going that worked and truly represented me. The extra behind the facade is what most would say comparing my past self and my current.

Additionally, variable typefaces have been quite a trend these past few years, and by the looks of it, are here to stay! Monotype’s type trends report for 2023 features Match maker: Mix-up, a variable typeface that allows you to mix and match a variety of fonts to make something fun like the config logo. 

“This variety and diversity of typefaces continues to reflect this generation’s attitudes, values, goals, and missions. Diversity, equality, and inclusion in visual form, Mix-up describes the human experience and life on Earth: wildly complex, diverse, and rich. It often adds visual depth and interest, being active and inclusive. It’s human. It’s biodiversity. It’s alive.”

- Monotype, 2023.
Monotype. (2023). 2022 Figma Config. Monotype 2023 type report.

I always felt like typographic logos often lacked emotion behind them. However, variable typefaces changed this, they allowed me to add further depth behind a plain ol’ name. The ability to mix up fonts helped me add a personal touch and create something simple, yet so complex. It allowed me to reflect my attitude, values, and history behind  how I was able to be the designer that I am today, including my future goals towards being an inclusive designer who strives to cater to and design for a diverse audience. As someone with a cultural background myself, this was something that was important to show through my brand, however subtle it may have been. 

Throughout all those hectic and tiresome journeys in my past, cursive was the one thing that always stuck to me and is something I’ve always taken pride in. While it may sound quite silly and small, it played an immense role in my journey, and so I wanted it to be a part of my brand identity, however subtle it may be. While my previous branding consisted entirely of my cursive handwriting, it was something I designed in my very first year of university. I felt it was time to move on with something more on-trend and professional to best represent me and my current skills. A perfect and well-balanced mix of casual and professional, with subtle cursive to tell its own unique touch and subtle story.

Hover over me for a live comparison!

Logo Colour Variations

The logos colours should always be in contrast with the background and be legible. The colours of the logo’s should and can only be altered as shown here and in the provided branding guide.

For a better contrast, if the full colour version of the logos cannot be used, the grayscale must be prioritised above the black and white, however, if still not suitable, only then use the black and white version.

Additionally, should the need arise to use a coloured background other than the specified colour “Cloud,” try and restrict to the brand’s colour palette. However, it is important to note that due to the bright tones of these colours, a minimum tint of 20% should be applied without fail to preserve the legibility and readability of the text.

Gutter Space

Having a gutter space around the logo is important to preserve its legibility. This is a clear example of how to measure and the clear space to ensure this and must be acknowledged and used while in use around graphics and texts.

Colour Palette


Colours play an important role representing the visual identity of a brand. They are known to be a powerful method of a visual communication tool for expressing emotions and meaning. They can also represent actions and influence someone’s mood.

Due to the friendly, minimalistic, and compassionate approach the Khushi Mali brand is going for, using bright colours with toned down colours is important. This brand uses 4 primary colours and 2 secondary colours with a variety of tints. These have been incorporated within brand’s visual representation including the backgrounds, patterns, fonts, and collateral materials.

To make it easier to implement across various devices and media, code variations for each colour have been provided to be used as needed.

The Khushi Mali brand has a range of shapes that can be used as graphic marks or patterns to be as backgrounds of various settings such as seen throughout this website and provided branding document. The shapes have been specifically designed to fit the aesthetic and tone of the overall brand. Hence, all pattern guidelines set within this section must be followed to maintain the brand’s integrity.

While alterations such as changing the shape colours is permitted, they must be within the brand’s set colour palette. The sizing manipulation and rotation of the shapes is permitted as long as it is done in an uniform manner; stretching the shapes is strictly prohibited. It is important to note that while using these shapes as patterns in backgrounds, they do not affect the readability or legibility of the information above it. To avoid any problems, please use them on the borders of the documents. If there is a need to place them directly beneath any text, use a minimum of a 20% tint as shown in the colour palette guidelines.


Due to the similarity between the theme of my logo with a sans-serif type with a cursive variation, I felt it was the perfect choice to use for this brand. While it may be hard to believe, I stumbled across this typeface AFTER designing my logo! And I’m so glad I did as the previous draft version of the logo seemed just a litttttttle... off.
previous logo draft uitlising the noto sans typeface

Neulis Light  Aa Aa 0123456789!?@$ Neulis Regular  Aa Aa  0123456789!?@$  Neulis Medium  Aa Aa  0123456789!?@$ Neulis Bold Aa Aa  0123456789!?@$  


Designed by Adam Ladd. From Adam Ladd.

Neulis Sans Light  Aa Aa 0123456789!?@$   Neulis Sans Regular  Aa Aa 0123456789!?@$ Neulis Medium  Aa Aa  0123456789!?@$  Neulis Bold Aa Aa  0123456789!?@$  


As a fun little addition, I designed a series of additional icons which can be used as digital and physical stickers.



Business Cards

Style Guide


I acknowledge the Darug Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work and pay my respects to elders present and emerging. This always has, and always will be Aboriginal land.